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Omer Blaes - Accretion Disk Outbursts: MHD Simulations (Finally) Confront Reality (2014.09.04)
Jeff Wagg - The Square Kilometre Array (2014.08.29)
Greg Herczeg - Stars in adolescence: wild accretion, manic depression, fits of irrational outbursts, and pi... (2014.06.26)
Xu Kong - Star Formation and Assembly of Galaxies (2014.06.12)
Jianmin Wang - Black hole candles and observational test (2014.06.05)
Daniel Wang - The circumgalactic medium of disk galaxies (2014.05.29)
Rashid Sunyaev - Disk accretion onto neutron stars with a weak magnetic fields: theory of the radiation dom... (2014.05.29)
Diego Altamirano - Accretion at Eddington rates: the curious case of IGR J17091-3624 and GRS 1915+105 (2014.05.22)
Woong-Tae Kim - Gaseous Substructures of Spiral Arms in Disk Galaxies (2014.05.15)
Di Li - Quantifying Dark Gas (2014.05.08)
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