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Quentin Parker - The new Hong-Kong/AAO/Strasbourg multi-wavelength and spectroscopic PNe database (2015.06.25)
Xianzhong Zheng - The Evolution of the Main Sequence of Star-Forming Galaxies Across Cosmic Time (2015.06.18)
Sun XiaoChun - Why didn't Northern Song China produce a Kepler? (2015.06.11)
Jianning Fu - LAMOST Observations in the Kepler Field and Measurements of the Stellar Parameters (2015.06.04)
Sandy Faber - Galaxy Evolution after z = 2.5 with the CANDELS Survey on Hubble and the Thirty-Meter Telescope (2015.05.28)
Stephen Justham - Stellar mergers and near-mergers, seen and unseen (2015.05.21)
Xi Kang - Modeling galaxy formation and distribution (2015.05.15)
Zigao Dai- Short Gamma-Ray Bursts and Mergers of Two Neutron Stars (2015.05.06)
Jun Lin - Solar Eruptions and Magnetic Reconnection in the CME/Flare Current Sheet (2015.04.23)
Qi Guo - Simulating the galaxy population in the context of ΛCDM cosmology (2015.04.16)
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