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The Astrophysics division is the main group engaged in astrophysical research at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory. Research areas include active galactic nuclei and high energy astrophysics, galaxy formation and evolution, cosmology and large scale structure, star clusters and the structure of the Milk Way, star formation, and planetary astrophysics. There are now 50 faculty members, 20 postdocs, and 80 graduate students in the division.
  • SKA Radio Cosmology

    Leader:Qian Zheng
  • Black hole accretion and high energy physics

    Leader:Fuguo Xie
  • Black Hole Feedback and Cosmic Ray Astrophysics

    Leader:Fulai Guo
  • Galaxy Evolution in Spectroscopy

    Leader:Lei Hao
  • Exoplanet

    Leader:Jian Ge
  • Chemo-dynamical structures of nearby galaxies

    Leader:Ling Zhu
  • Galaxy distribution

    Leader:Hong Guo
  • Gravitational wave and relativistic fundamental astronomy group

    Leader:Wenbiao Han
  • Observational High Energy Astrophysics

    Leader:Wenfei Yu
  • Radio astronomy

    Leader:Zhiqiang Shen
  • Star clusters and galactic structure

    Leader:Jingliang Hou
  • Early Universe and High-redshift Galaxies

    Leader:ZhenYa Zheng
  • Structure and Evolution of Active Galactic Nuclei

    Leader:Min-feng Gu