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04/26/2018-Supersoft AGNs: signature of super Eddington accretion, IMBH, TDE or new AGN spectral state? (2018.04.23)
04/19/2018-Make it, Shake it, Bake it: Warm Gas in the Circumgalactic Medium (2018.04.16)
11/04/2018-The Origin of Spirals in Galaxies (2018.04.09)
03/22/2018-ABS, CMB foreground removal, weak lensing reconstruction by counting galaxies, and beyond (2018.03.19)
15/03/2018-Galaxy Evolution via 2D Spectroscopy (2018.03.12)
08/03/2018-What drives the morphological features of disc galaxies? (2018.03.05)
01/29/2018-Studying the Dark Universe with Gravitational Lenses (2018.01.29)
29/01/2018- Studying the Dark Universe with Gravitational Lenses (2018.01.23)
25/01/2018-The Dawn of Star Formation: revealing the initial conditions for massive star formation througho... (2018.01.23)
23/01/2018-Identification and exploration of a network of habitable worlds (2018.01.23)
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