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08/03/2019-Data-Oriented GRB Research and the Gravitational Wave GRBs


SHAO Astrophysics Colloquium

Title: Data-Oriented GRB Research and the Gravitational Wave GRBs

SpeakerBinbin zhang Nanjing University

Time: 3 pm, Mar. 28(Thursday)

Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor


In this talk, I will briefly discuss our recent data-oriented research works in the GRB field. I will first review our fully automatic GRB data analyzing system. I will then talk about several case studies that directly utilized the results of our system. In particular, I will focus on prompt emission data of the gravitational wave GRB 170817A and discuss our current understanding of this first NS-NS merger event,  including its event rates, ejecta topology, radiation mechanism and what can learn from the 1.7 s time delay between the GRB and the gravitational wave signal.


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