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17/11/2016 - Reconstructing the Initial Conditions to Simulate the Formation of the Local Universe


SHAO Astrophysics Colloquia  

Title: Reconstructing the Initial Conditions to Simulate the Formation of the Local Universe

Speaker: Prof. Houjun Mo (Tsinghua/UMass Amherst)

Time: 3 PM, Nov. 17 (Thursday)   

Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor


I will describe a method that can be used to reconstruct the initial conditions of the local universe accurately. The method is applied to the SDSS volume. High-resolution simulations of the reconstructed initial conditions have been carried to recover of the formation histories and structures observed in the local universe.  I will also describe how the results can be used to study the formation and structure of the local cosmic web and of galaxies that are embedded in it.

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