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Exploring early universe with 21cm line and machine learning
 SHAO Astrophysics Colloquium

Title: Exploring early universe with 21cm line and machine learning

Speaker: Dr. Hayato Shimabukuro (Yunnan university)

Tencent ID: 582-979-435 Password: 6360 (Only online

Time: Thursday, 3:00pm, Sep. 29th


The period from Dark Ages to Epoch of Reionization (EoR) is milestone in the cosmic evolutionary history, which is crucial to understand the formation and evolution of the first population of stars, black holes, and galaxies.  Cosmic 21cm line signal emitted from neutral hydrogen atom is key observable during the epoch from Dark Ages to EoR. Recently the 21cm line cosmology has been developing both theoretically and observationally. The SKA telescope is scheduled to start observation in 2027. In my talk, I will start to summarize the basics of the 21cm line physics, current theoretical and observational progresses briefly. Later I will introduce our approach to analyze the 21cm line signal with artificial neural networks (ANNs), which is a machine learning technique.



Dr. Hayato Shimabukuro is a tenure-track research associate professor in Yunnan university, SWIFAR. His main research interest is the 21cm cosmology through Dark ages to epoch of reionization.  He obtained his Ph.D in 2016 from Nagoya university in Japan. During 2016/4-2018/3, he worked in Paris observatory (Paris) as a postdoc. From 2018/3-2019/12, he worked in Tsinghua university (Beijing) as Tsinghua international postdoc fellowship. From 2019/12 to present, he works in Yunnan university. He is a member of SKA international EoR team, SKA-China EoR team and chair of SKA Japan EoR team. His hobby is learning Chinese.

Koushare link to the recorded presentation

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