Past Colloquia
Pulsars and FRBS: Recent Developments
SHAO Astrophysics Colloquia  

Title: Pulsars and FRBS: Recent Developments   

Place: The Lecture Hall (third floor of Astronomy Building)    

Date & Time:  3:00 PM, Nov. 10(Thursday)     

Speaker: Richard Manchester, CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science


Pulsars and Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are fascinating phenomena, both of which are “hot topics” in current astrophysical research. In both cases, the physics of sources is not well understood but, despite that, they are incredibly useful probes of a wide range of astrophysical problems. After a brief introduction describing their basic properties, I will review some recent developments in pulsar and FRB research, including a new model for estimating pulsar and FRB distances, improved tests of gravitational theories using binary pulsars and efforts to detect gravitational waves using pulsar timing arrays (PTAs). Other applications of PTA data sets will also be described. Finally, I will discuss how new and more sensitive radio telescopes such as the recently opened FAST radio telescope in Guizhou will contribute to pulsar and FRB research. 

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