Past Colloquia
The MACRO simulated galaxy cluster project: The final chapter- Weiguang Cui
SHAO Astrophysics Colloquia 

Title: The MACRO simulated galaxy cluster project: The final chapter  

Place: The Lecture Hall, 3rd floor in Astronomy Building (天文大厦报告厅)   

Date & Time: 15:00 on Oct. 20th (Thursday)   

Speaker: Weiguang Cui (ICRAR/UWA) 


Right now, numerical simulations can simulate "real" galaxies inside a cosmological simulation box. With sophisticate baryonic models, these simulated galaxies can directly provide all the observed informations, such as luminosities, metallicities. Using these "realistic" galaxies and galaxy clusters, we are able to make consistent checks between theoretical and observational results. In this talk, I will introduce my simulated cluster project -- MACRO, which has two papers (Cui et al. 2016a,b) been published and the third one to be submitted. These galaxy clusters are selected from cosmology simulations with three different baryon models included, which will allow us to study the detailed baryon effects. They are mass complete with M_{500}>2x10^14 [M_{sun}/h], which can provide us a fully statistical view with the total cluster number of ~180. To properly match observational measurements, we generated mock images on multiple observation bands. With these mock images and theoretical results, we targeted at the galaxy cluster center dynamical states. In this talk, I will show the consistencies between different views, as well as the baryon effects.  

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