Title: The Physics and Roles of Black Holes and Cosmic Rays in Cosmic Structure Evolution
Speaker: Fulai Guo (SHAO)
Time & place: Wednesday, 3:00pm, Nov. 4th, lecture Hall, 3rd floor
Cosmology, galaxy formation, and high energy astrophysics are three central areas in contemporary astronomy. In this talk, I will bridge these three areas by discussing the potential roles of supermassive black holes and cosmic rays in cosmic structure evolution, with a focus on some of my works in the past several years. In particular, I will talk about radio-mode AGN feedback in galaxy clusters and the Fermi bubbles in the Milky Way, two observationally-different events both likely related to AGN jets, and potentially producing different effects in two very different environments.
Biog: Prof. Fulai Guo is a new faculty in the astrophysics division of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, currently setting up the Black Hole Feedback and Cosmic Ray Astrophysics research group. Before joining SHAO, he got his PhD in Physics at University of California, Santa Barbara, and was a postdoctoral scholar at University of California, Santa Barbara, and at University of California, Santa Cruz, and more recently a Zwicky prize fellow at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich. His research interests include AGN feedback, the Fermi bubbles, cosmic ray astrophysics, galaxy quenching, dark matter signatures, etc.
Speaker:Prof. Jim Fuller(Caltech)
Time:10:00am Sep. 22th (Thursday)(Special time)
Location:Zoom ID:859 2132 7090;Password:6360
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Time:3:00pm Sep. 15th (Thursday)
Location:Large conference room , 3rd floor
Speaker:Prof. Chin-Fei Lee(Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics)
Time:2:00pm Aug. 4th (Thursday)
Location:Zoom ID:818 1409 2070,Password:6360
Speaker:Yu Yu 余瑜 (Department of Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Time:3:00pm, June 23th
Location:Tencent ID:102-778-394 Password: 6360