Past Colloquia
An Update on the Multiband Imaging and Slitless Spectroscopy Survey under China Manned Space Program

Title: An Update on the Multiband Imaging and Slitless Spectroscopy Survey under China Manned Space Program

Speaker: Hu Zhan (NAOC) 

Time & place: Wednesday, 3:00pm, Nov. 11th, lecture Hall, 3rd floor

Abstract: Recently, the China Manned Space Agency announced one of its key science projects -- the large-scale multiband imaging and slitless spectroscopy survey at the last International Astronautical Congress. The survey will be carried out by a 2m-class telescope in the same orbit as the Chinese space station, and the telescope can dock with the space station for maintenance or repair as needed. The original plan would cover 25000 square degrees of sky in at least 6 filters from 250nm to 1000nm, reaching depths greater than AB 25 mag in g, r, and i bands. Deeper exposures would be made over selected areas across the sky for a total of 800 square degrees, and 10000 square degrees of high galactic latitude sky would be observed with low-resolution spectrograph. As the project moves forward, we gain a better understanding of the operational constraints. A revision of the survey plan is thus proposed to increase the depth while reducing the area. In this talk, I will give an update on the status of the project and discuss our recent assessment of its performance with more realistic simulations.

Biog: TBC

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