Title: Short Gamma-Ray Bursts and Mergers of Two Neutron Stars
Speaker: Zigao Dai (Nanjing)
Time & place: Wednesday, 3:00pm, May 6th, lecture Hall, 3rd floor
Abstract: Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are flashes of gamma rays occurring at the cosmological distances. They fall into two classes: short-duration (<2 seconds) hard-spectrum bursts and long-duration (>2 seconds) soft-spectrum bursts. Long GRBs result from core collapses of massive stars, and short GRBs appear to be produced in mergers of neutron star binaries or black hole-neutron star binaries. In my talk, I will review recent progress on short GRBs and discuss some implications of millisecond magnetars as central engines of short GRBs resulting from mergers of two neutron stars.
Biog: TBC
Speaker:Prof. Jim Fuller(Caltech)
Time:10:00am Sep. 22th (Thursday)(Special time)
Location:Zoom ID:859 2132 7090;Password:6360
Speaker:Prof. Ruobing Dong(University of Victoria)
Time:3:00pm Sep. 15th (Thursday)
Location:Large conference room , 3rd floor
Speaker:Prof. Chin-Fei Lee(Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics)
Time:2:00pm Aug. 4th (Thursday)
Location:Zoom ID:818 1409 2070,Password:6360
Speaker:Yu Yu 余瑜 (Department of Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Time:3:00pm, June 23th
Location:Tencent ID:102-778-394 Password: 6360