Past Colloquia
Satellite galaxies in the Milky Way

Title: satellite galaxies in the Milky Way 

Speaker: Jie Wang (NAOC)  

Time & Place: Thursday, 3:00pm, December 18th, Lecture Hall, 3rd floor   

Abstract: There are dozens of company galaxies orbiting around our Milky Way. Theses satellites formed out of Galaxy and were captured by the Milky Way sometime later. So the properties of these fossil galaxies, like the abundance, spacial distribution, luminosity will help us to know the formation history of the Milky Way. In this talk, I will evaluate several issues on these Galactic satellites, especially on "missing massive satellite problem" and their anisotropy spacial distribution. These problems really pose a big challenge for our understanding of the standard LCDM cosmology and galaxy formation model.   

Biog: TBC  


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