Past Colloquia
What do we really know about DM?

Title: What do we really know about DM? 

Speaker: Charling Tao (Tsinghua/CPPM)  

Time & Place: Thursday, 3:00pm, October 30th, Lecture Hall, 3rd floor   

Abstract: Evidence for DM comes from a wealth of astrophysical observations that I will briefly review in this talk, with an emphasis on the problems we still wish to solve.   

Biog: Charling Tao is director of the Tsinghua Center for astrophysics and Director of research in French CNRS Marseilles Center for Particle Physics.  

With a PhD from Harvard U. in experimental Particle Physics (Deep inelastic muon scattering at Fermilab) in 1979, Charling Tao worked at CERN with the UA1 proton-antiproton collaboration which discovered the W and Z bosons) and has moved into more and more astrophysics related subjects (solar neutrino GALLEX experiment in Gran Sasso which measured the pp-neutrino contributions, Dark Matter detection with sodium Iodide in the Beijing Paris Roma Saclay group which became afterwards the infamous DAMA experiment, the undersea ANTARES high energy neutrino project, then Supernovae SNLS and SNFactory projects, SDSS, EUCLID, LSST, ...). 

Charling Tao is interested in projects that can help understand the mysteries of the Dark Universe from experimental detector developments to data analysis and theoretical physics. 


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