Research in our division on high-energy astrophysics includes accretion theory, X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei, intracluster medium. The research in our division also includes gravitational wave astronomy.
The planetary science research interest includes the detection and characterization of exoplanets, protoplanetary disk structure, planet formation and evolution, planetary dynamics, planet internal structure, and small bodies in our Solar system.
We investigate from observational perspective the molecular clouds and their link to star formation, stars and star clusters. Besides, the chemical-dynamical structure and evolution of Milky Way and nearby galaxies are also probed in our division.
Galaxies are building blocks of our Universe, and the formation and evolution of galaxies are the main research field of extra-galactic astronomy. Members of our division investigate almost every sub-field in this direction, through both observations and theoretical modellings.
The research aspects of high energy astrophysics group are as follow: Accretion disk theory ,Active galactic nuclei,X-ray binaries,Our Galactic center.
Speaker:Speaker:Hideyuki Kobayashi(NAOJ, SHAO)
Time:Time:10:00 am Dec.26th (Thursday
Location:Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
Speaker:Speaker:Andrés Salcedo, University of Arizona
Time:Time:3:00 pm Dec. 19th (Thursday)
Location:Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
Speaker:Speaker:Sarrvesh Sridhar(SKAO)
Time:Time:3:00 pm Dec. 12th (Thursday)
Location:Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor
Time:Time:3:00 pm Nov. 28th (Thursday)
Location:Location: Lecture Hall, 3rd floor